Discover the supply chain activities and services

Let's evaluate together how to create your lavender field, also providing an inspection service by one of our specialized technicians who will take a sample of your soil that will be analyzed in our laboratory. We supply plants only on order to guarantee maximum vitality and rooting ability. We take care of everything down to the smallest details: delivery takes place directly in the field, in the season scheduled for planting. They will be delivered to you by one of our technicians, to guarantee that the plants arrive in excellent shape and to offer you technical assistance during the planting phase.
Dopo la messa a dimora rimaniamo al vostro fianco per offrirvi tutta l'assistenza di cui avete bisogno. Riceverete un primo tesseramento gratuito di 6 mesi che vi fornisce l'accesso a tutti i nostri servizi di consulenza tecnica e la possibilità di avere le attrezzature in comodato d'uso. Inoltre verrà attivata un'assicurazione specifica per le vostre piante, in modo che lei sia tutelato anche nel caso riscontri mortalità.
Vi seguiremo passo a passo in tutte le fasi produttive, indirizzandovi verso una corretta manutenzione e spiegandovi come gestire il raccolto. Su richiesta, effettuiamo anche il servizio di taglio con la macchina raccoglitrice meccanizzata.
Vi forniremo anche i sacchi forati dove poter mettere la Lavanda.
Once the cut is done, we can tell you the distillery closest to your country where you can take the Lavender to be distilled in steam current. We also offer the service of distillation for third parties at our headquarters. After the minimum maturation time, we will direct you to the certification of your product that you can sell on your own account or we will collect your essential oil ourselves, paying you the amount due. You will have access to the weekly bulletin with the updated market values for the essential oil, the hydrolate and the dry, by accessing our site and entering the password that we will provide you.
You will also have access to our cosmetics line at the reseller price and in turn you will be able to resell the products at the recommended retail price, thus creating an additional source of income.